Gramarye Press

Wily Writers at 

March 15-16 

*Come say hi to Marsha DeFilippo and me at Booth 404.

*Come see me at the 

Indie Author Experience Pavilion 

    March 15 @1:30

Click Here & Scroll to My Name

Selling Books 

Signing Books 

Meeting Readers

New Release! March 1

Magica: Book 2 

Rage of the Werewolves

Order Yours Today!  

Click Here.

Book 1: Rise of the Cult

My Newsletter's   New Home!

Click to subscribe to my free newsletter "Creativity & Courage." It's a place where I explore how creativity can give us the courage to live a fulfilling life. I'll be writing about my writing, literature, mental health, and solo camping. But I'll also be talking to others who use creativity to make their lives more meaningful.

New Anthologies From the Wily Writers Collective

Edited by

 E.S. Magill 

& Bill Bodden

Edited by 

Lisa Morton

Edited by 

Loren Rhoads

Edited by 

Angel Leigh McCoy   

& Alison J. McKenzie

To Keep Me Going, Click The Coffee Cup!

 E.S. Magill 2022